Sunday, April 10, 2011

D&D 101.

So this week we played our second session of what has now been labeled The Fallen Planes campaign. This could end up being an epic quest to deal with all the planes in all their zany fun or we could end up completely on a different path. That is the best thing about Dungeons and Dragons( and a good Dungeon Master) the story is built around the players.
This is not exact but an idea of what the planes kind of look like in D&D.

Maybe it comes from always ending up training in my jobs but I adore seeing new players learn the game. I am no expert on this game by any means but I think I can give a general outline and help most classes along. Though I am guilty in my preferences fall towards casters so I can usually help them out a little more. Thankfully Eric is combat guy so we are good.
As far as the session goes it went very well. People are figuring out their classes strengths and sadly in some instances their weakness(poor rouge but he picked it up very quickly). It would be hard to understand maybe if you have never gamed or have limited experience but this group made me so happy. None of them are cheesy , over powered, meta gaming fools. That is only fun in Munchkin=) Where you win if you are min-maxed and trying to screw over your party.

The team and working together even if in general you have separate end goals is amazing to me. You can have a character that thinks for themselves but when push comes to shove you have your buddies back. I saw that in this group! Walking through a dark dungeon we talked about walking order,staying close together(never split the party!), and when our rouge go the snot kicked out of him our melee cleric ran in to take some heat off and heal. Our ranger fired until the cleric got flanked and went in to take the heat off of him. Our bard sang and fired when we needed it. Rouge tumbled around battle to flank. Our ranged fighter kept damaging the harder to reach mob. Our "tank"/super damage fighter destroyed those in her way. I of course healed and kept our "tank" cleric up. Pretty fun fight=)

Sometimes you know you are going in to a big bad battle and other times you have to play it by ear. Success usually happens with luck, planning and being able to have fun even if your bottom is handed to you;)

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